Sept 18, 2019

CMS Clarifies Home Health Agency Regulations Regarding Face-to Face-Encounters and Home Care Authorizations

There has been conflict and confusion in statute, regulation, and manual instructions when it comes to Medicare coverage policies for home health agencies. NAHC recently sought clarification. What Happened The CARES Act allowed for more flexibility than the regulations in who could conduct a face-to-face encounter, however, the regulations and manual instructions were not updated […]

Sept 18, 2019

Healthcare Fraud Is Serious and the Feds Don’t Play

Healthcare practitioners are susceptible to fraud. It can come in many forms, but it is often seen through the need for increased revenue. What seems like a minor fix to earn a couple of extra dollars can turn into a healthcare fraud frenzy.The CEO of Team Work Ready fraudulently submitted claims for therapy services that […]

Sept 18, 2019

HIPAA is More Than a Policy, It is the Law

The Violation A HIPAA violation is a failure to comply with any aspect of HIPAA standards and provisions. HIPAA violations are more common than you think. In May 2020, a nurse threw away documents that contained PHI in a regular trash can — which was a common practice in her office. Her employers found out […]

Sept 18, 2019

Reported to the Board of Nursing, Now What?

The biggest threat to a nurse losing their license is not a malpractice suit brought by a patient, but by a substantiated claim that is reported to the board. The process to filing a complaint against a nurse who may have violated a nursing law or rule is open to anyone who may have knowledge […]

Sept 18, 2019

Common Mistakes of Healthcare Providers When Opening Up a Practice

The movement towards full practice authority for nurse practitioners has gained momentum in recent years and now over 24 states and territories, plus DC have full practice authority. This now means that more nurse practitioners are opening up their own practices all across the country. After working with a few new NP practices over the […]

Sept 18, 2019

Birth Professionals and Liability

The landscape of obstetric care has changed over the years due to the increase in litigation and medical malpractice outcomes that have cost providers and healthcare systems millions of dollars. In a state like Maryland where there are some of the largest hospitals in the country that service thousands of women, many of whom are […]

Sept 18, 2019

The Greatest Disease in Healthcare: High Nurse Turnover

According to the World Health Statistics Report, there are 3.1 million nurses in the United States and in 2020 there will be a need for 1 million more nurses. According to The American Nurses Association (ANA), there will be more registered nurse jobs available through 2022 than any other profession in the United States. The […]

Sept 18, 2019

The Travelers Arrived, But the Patients Had Already Died

The emails from Governor Cuomo began to roll in almost daily by early March, and the call for nurses to come and support hospitals in New York at the epicenter of the pandemic was ringing loudly in conversations online and in healthcare centers all around the city and the country nonstop. As healthcare workers started […]

Nurses Using Social Media
Sept 18, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nurses Using Social Media in the Healthcare Setting

The use of social media in healthcare settings has brought new light to the work, camaraderie, and the way in which nurses relieve stress in the workplace. Videos of nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers are going viral for Tik Tok challenges, coordinated dance moves, and the celebrations that healthcare workers are having for COVID patients […]